Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

131 A. Based on the conclusions from the study, some recommendations were formulated for policy makers and teacher training institutions. Since the motives that were highly rated by the preservice teachers were altruistic and intrinsic in nature, teacher training institutions should try to train teachers in altruism and self-devotion. It is equally prudent for authorities at the colleges of education to attend to excellence in teacher education and optimise support structures at the college level to promote preservice teachers’ positive teaching motivations and behaviours. Moreover, to sustain such altruistic and intrinsic principles in the teachers following teacher training, policymakers and employing authorities should offer early career induction and support programmes and provide attractive school working conditions. Also, educational authorities need to institute programmes that could challenge gender stereotypes with respect to caring and nurturing for children especially at the lower level of schooling and design programmes to provide male preservice teachers with enough knowledge and skills on how to handle and nurture children in classroom settings and also shaping their future. Finally, educational programmes can be organized for preservice teachers residing in urban areas to stimulate their perceived teaching