Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

79 In view of all that has been mentioned so far, one may suppose that …. Describing previously used methods To date various methods have been developed and introduced to measure X: In most recent studies, X has been measured in four different ways. Traditionally, X has been assessed by measuring…. Different authors have measured X in a variety of ways. Previous studies have based their criteria for selection on …. The use of qualitative case studies is a well-established approach in …. This test is widely available, and has been used in many investigational studies. Case studies have been long established in X to present detailed analysis of …. Recently, simpler and more rapid tests of X have been developed. Radiographic techniques are the main non-invasive method used to determine …. A variety of methods are used to assess X. Each has its advantages and drawbacks. Data were gathered from multiple sources at various time points during ….