Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

85 Published studies were identified using a search strategy developed in …. The experiments were carried out over the course of the growing period from …. Injection solutions were coded by a colleague to reduce experimenter bias. Drugs were administered by icv injection under brief CO2 narcosis; The subjects were asked to pay close attention to the characters whenever …. The pilot interviews were conducted informally by the trained interviewer …. Blood samples were obtained with consent, from 256 Caucasian male patients …. Independent tests were carried out on the x and y scores for the four years from …. This experiment was repeated under conditions in which the poor signal/noise ratio was improved. Article references were searched further for additional relevant publications. The mean score for the two trials was subjected to multivariate analysis of variance to determine Describing the process: sequence words and phrases Prior to commencing the study, ethical clearance was sought from ….