Nina Sulistyowati - English for Tourism



iii ENGLISH FOR TOURISM Nina Sulistyowati



vi Hak Cipta Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 113 Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta • Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah). • Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). • Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/ a tau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/ a tau pidana denda paling banyak Rp.,00 (satu miliar rupiah). • Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah).

vii ENGLISH FOR TOURISM Nina Sulistyowati Penerbit PNJ Press Anggota APPTI No:

viii ENGLISH FOR TOURISM Nina Sulistyowati Editor Nunung Martina, Rimsky K. Judisseno Desain Sampul & Tata Letak Dimas Surya Perdana Penerbit PNJ Press Gedung Q, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Jl. G.A. Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok Cetakan Pertama, November 2021 ISBN : 978-623-7342-86-1 Hak Cipta Dilindungi Oleh Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.

ix PREFACE Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the almighty, the most merciful, and the most beneficent, for the best blessing, love, and guidance given to us without which the writer would have never been able to finish this course book. Tourism is one of the largest foreign exchange earners in Indonesia. Therefore, competent human resources in the tourism sector need to be prepared to advance Indonesian tourism. One of the competencies needed in an effort to improve the quality of tourism human resources is foreign language skills, especially English. English for Tourism is a course book designed for the student of tourism study program and individuals who want to study or work in tourism sectors. This book is designed to improve both written and spoken English skills in the tourism sectors. Demak, March 2020 Author


xi TABLE OF CONTENT Preface Table of Content List of Picture Unit 1 Tourism Activities Unit 2 Accommodations Unit 3 Food and Beverage Bibliography About the Author ix xi xii 1 17 45 67 68

xii LIST OF PICTURE Picture 2.1 Reservation Form Picture 2.2 Room Reservation Cancellation Form Picture 3.1 Reservation Slip Picture 3.2 Menu Picture 3.3 Slip Order 28 37 45 53 55



1 UNIT 1 TOURISM ACTIVITIES A. TOURIST MOTIVATION Tourism is traveling to or staying in a place which is not where you live. People travel for some reasons, e.g. to relax and have fun, watch football match, visit a family or friend, go for business, learn about culture, or visit religious place. There are several motivating factors for someone to travel, i.e. relaxation, strengthening family bonds, prestige, social interaction, romance, educational opportunity, self-fulfillment, and wishfulfillment. Meanwhile, the factors that attract tourists to visit a tourist destination are location climate, national promotion, retail advertising, visiting friends, visiting relatives, tourist attractions, culture, natural environment and man-made environment, incentive travel, and special event (Pitana, 2009). There are several considerations for someone to travel to a place, including what to see, what to do, how to get there, what to buy, and where to stay. Tourist destinations must have 3 main elements, i.e. tourist attraction, supporting facilities and accessibility to improve tourist arrival rate.

2 Read the text and answer the questions! 1. What is tourism and tourist? 2. Why is tourism important for a country? 3. Why has tourism increased? 4. What are the positive impacts of tourism? 5. Are there any negative impacts of tourism? Explain it! Tourism Tourism is an industry that drives people to travel for recreation and leisure. The growth of tourism has had an economic, environmental and social effect on many countries. Growth of Tourism Tourists are people who travel away from their homes for pleasure. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and it generates a lot of jobs. The money spent by tourists adds to the wealth of countries (economic growth). In 2013, a total of 1.087 billion people travelled to another country as tourists. This has increased from just 25 million in 1950. Why has tourism increased? • People have greater disposable income. • People have more paid holidays. • Travel has become easier and cheaper. • People are visiting a wider range of places - partly because they have a better knowledge and understanding of places. • There is a greater variety of holidays to choose from. • People have more leisure time. • Many countries have invested money in facilities and infrastructure that make it easier for tourists, such as roads, airports and hotels. Source:

3 Try to find the meaning of these words using an English-English dictionary and make a sentence of each word! Word Definition Sentence Tourism Festival Traveler Accessibility Destination Tourism activity Tourist attraction Tour guide Itinerary Sightseeing Excursion Outbound tourism Inbound tourism Transfer in Transfer out Business tourism Special Event Package tour Accommodation MICE

4 B. TYPE OF TOURISM Match the type of tourism with its definition and give the example! Type of Tourism Definition Example Adventure tourism Holidays to escorts where there is snow Snorkeling Cultural tourism To celebrate religious event or visit important religious place Ecotourism To explore distant place or do extreme activities Educational tourism To learn about history, art and people’s lifestyles Business Tourism To learn something Health tourism To look after your body and mind Recreational tourism To play or watch different sporting events Religious tourism To take ethnical and responsible trips to natural environment to relax and have fun Sport tourism To relax and have fun Winter tourism Leisure activities in conjunction with business travel

5 Work in Pairs! Try to find 5 other types of tourism, discuss the definition and the example! Present the result in front of the class! C. BUSINESS TOURISM Business Tourism Business tourism is a lucrative, fast-growing segment of the world's largest industry sector. Tourism is the world's largest industry, responsible for more than one in ten jobs globally. In many developing and transition economies, tourism has emerged as the dominant tool for economic growth. There will be 700 million international travellers by the year 2000 and one billion by 2010, according to the World Tourism Organization. The industry is expected to generate over US$ 5 trillion in economic activity and 245 million direct and indirect jobs worldwide by the year 2000. Business travel accounts for approximately 9% of all international travel. Business tourism is defined as leisure activities in conjunction with business travel. Business tourists are less costsensitive than leisure tourists, spending on average twice as much per day. Their purchase decisions are influenced primarily by their ability to use time efficiently within business travel schedules. As two-thirds of business travellers extend their business trips for pleasure when they can, there is enormous potential in this market. Business tourism is expected to be one of the hottest growth markets for travel industry providers in the years ahead. Developing and transition economies interested in expanding revenues from business tourism need to focus on both the individual business traveller and the meetings and conventions market. Source:

6 Read the text and answer the questions! 1. What is business tourism? 2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 3. Why tourism becomes the world's largest industry? 4. Why business tourists spend more money than leisure tourists in tourist destination? 5. Mention 4 examples of business tourism! Work in pairs and discuss these questions! 1. Who travels more frequently, a holidaymaker or a business person? 2. Is a business traveller more likely to use a scheduled or charter flight? 3. What kind of hotel is a business traveller likely to use? 4. What forms of transport will a business traveller use? 5. Why are business travellers so important to travel agents, airlines, and hotel?

7 Complete the paragraph with the following words! Eco-tourism drum up pushing forward Airport MICE destinations reach assets Foreign tourists flights eco-tourism MICE Put at Center Stage in Tourism Outreach Ngurah Rai International in Denpasar has been revamped to accommodate more international and domestic . Its growing number of MICE venues makes Bali still one of the country's top . The nation's natural and cultural attractions will be the focus of efforts to tourism through Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) opportunities. The tourism industry is aiming for the country to make use of its so that it can become a haven for the world's Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) tourists. 'With its nature, marine and destinations as the country's great assets, Indonesia can be a paradise for MICE tourists from all around the world.' said Wiryanti Sukamdani, head of the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI). She added that Indonesia's MICE potential was all the more powerful due to the way it constantly pulled in . According to BPPI data from 2013, MICE tourism contributed 40 percent to the total number of foreign tourist that year. We personally hope that the number of foreign tourists in 2019 can 20-25 million and 275 million for national tourists,' Wiryanti said, as quoted by 'That number can be reached by the work performance of the MICE sector.’ Source:

8 D. TOURIST ATTRACTION Complete the paragraph with the following words! Tribe Archaeological World Heritage Site Attractions Capital National Park Empire the Seven Wonders of Banten Mention the country in the following tourist attraction! Try to What to know about the Seven Wonders of Banten Banten is the westernmost province on the island of Java and has Serang as its city. Traveling to Banten, there are plenty of interesting sites to explore as it is home to natural, cultural and historical . The province itself has established seven main tourist attractions, dubbed , namely Banteng Lama, Ujung Kulon National Park, Sangiang Island, the Baduy tribe, Umang Island, Mount Krakatau and the Dano Swamp. Banten Lama (old Banten) is an site located on the northern coast of Serang regency. This place is what remains of the Banten sultanate, an Islamic of the 16th century. There are plenty of to visit at Banten Lama, such as the Museum Situs Kepurbakalaan Banten Lama (Museum of Old Banten), the Surosowan Kraton, the Great Mosque of Banten, Speelwijk Fort, Avalokiteshvara Vihara, Kaibon Castle, and Karangantu Harbor. Ujung Kulon stretches across the Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, the Handeleum islands and the Honje Mountain Range and is known as the home of the critically endangered Javan rhinoceros. The place was also declared a UNESCO in 1991 for accommodating the largest remaining lowland rainforest in Java. The famed Baduy lives in a 5,101-hectare area of Kanekes village, about 38 kilometers from Rangkasbitung, the capital of Lebak regency. The Baduy people have their own government system with the three highest ranking leaders of the tribe called Puun Cikeusik, Cikertawarna and Cibeo. Source:

9 make a sentence using the word! Tourist Attraction Country Sentence Great Barrier Reef Pyramid of Giza Stonehenge Raja Ampat Borobudur Temple The Louvre Komodo Island Forbidden City Niagara Falls Mecca Writing - Describing a Tourist Destination Choose a popular tourist destination in your country. Write the information about the tourist destination in 30 sentences!  An overview of tourism, i.e. location, climate, geographical, and natural feature, local language, traditional customs, religion, culture, souvenir, culinary, and others.  Types of tourism i.e. recreational tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, sport, adventure, religion, ecotourism, business tourism, special event, and others.  Other information

10 E. CULTURE, HISTORY AND FOLKLORE A destination must have a uniqueness that is different from other destinations. The uniqueness can be in the form of folklore, myth or culture. This uniqueness can be a magnet for tourists to visit these destinations. Do you know folklore, myths or culture of the tourist destinations you have visited? Tell it in front of the class! Read the text and answer the following questions! The Myth of Roro Jonggrang and Breakups Prambanan is known for the legendary love story between Roro Jonggrang, the princess of Boko Kingdom and Bandung Bondowoso, the prince of Pengging Kingdom. The story states that Boko Kingdom invades Pengging. In order to defeat the invader, Prabu Damar Moyo (Pengging King) sends his son Bandung Bondowoso to fight Prabu Boko (Boko King). After a furious battle, Prabu Boko is killed by the prince’s supernatural powers. His assistant, the giant Patih Gupolo, leads his armies away from the battlefield in defeat. Returning to Boko Palace, Patih Gupolo tells Princess Roro Jonggrang of the death of her father. The princess is heartbroken, but before she can recover from her grief the Pengging army besieges and captures the palace. Prince Bandung Bondowoso is mesmerized by the beauty of the mourning princess and propose marriage, but his offer is swiftly rejected. Bandung Bondowoso insists on the union, and finally Roro Jonggrang agrees on two impossible conditions: first the prince must build a well named Jalatunda, and second, he must construct a thousand temples in only one night.

11 The love-struck prince agrees, and immediately starts work on the well. Using his supernatural powers once again, the prince swiftly finishes construction and proudly displays his work for the princess. As a trick, she urges him to enter the well and when he does so, Patih Gupolo piles stones into it and buries him alive. With great effort Bandung Bondowoso escapes, but his love for the princess is so strong that he forgives her the attempt on his life. To fulfill the second condition, the prince enters into meditation and conjures up a multitude of demon spirits from the earth. With their help he builds the first 999 temples and starts work on the final one. To thwart his efforts, the princess and her maids light a fire in the east and begin pounding rice, a traditional dawn activity. Fooled into thinking the sun is about to rise, the spirits flee back into the earth leaving the last temple unfinished. The prince is furious when he learns of this deception, and places a curse on Roro Jonggrang which turns her into a stone statue. In this way she herself becomes a feature of the final temple, completing its construction and fulfilling the conditions for their marriage. According to the tale, Roro Jonggrang remains in the northern chamber of the Prambanan Temple. Roro Jonggrang remains like a statue of Shiva’s consort, Durga. Until now, the place where she stays called Roro Jonggrang temple. The temples that built by Bandung Bondowoso are now called Sewu Temple or Seribu Candi (The Thousand Temples). From the legend that is transformed into a myth, an unmarried couple going to Roro Jonggrang statue chamber in Prambanan will have doomed relationship just like the creators of the temples. Local residents believe that returning couple from Prambanan immediately broke up. Source:

12 1. What is the story about? 2. What conditions did Roro Jonggrang give to Bandung Bondowoso so that Roro Jonggrang would agree to marry him?? 3. What did Roro Jonggrang do to thwart Bondowoso's attempt to build 1000 temples? 4. What happened to Roro Jonggrang after she managed to thwart Bandung Bondowoso's attempt? 5. What is the myth for couple who visit Prambanan? Role Play! Choose a tourist destination in your country. Practice how to guide a tourist! Help the tourist to understand about some information of the tourist destination. Present it in front of the class!  Overview of the tourist destinations  Local traditions  Culture  History  Folklore  Myth  Other information

13 F. TRAVEL ACTIVITIES Complete each sentence with appropriate word from the box! 1. The sport of riding a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard is called 2. A commercial establishment offering health and beauty treatment through such means as steam baths, exercise equipment, and massage is called 3. is the activity of sitting or lying in the sun, especially to tan the skin. 4. The activity of spending a holiday living in a tent is called 5. is a voyage made by a ferry or cruise ship, especially according to a planned schedule. 6. is the activity of swimming underwater using a scuba. 7. Recreational activity of gliding through the air wearing an open parachute while being towed by a motorboat is called 8. The activity of swimming using a snorkel is called 9. The sport of sliding downhill on snowboard is called 10. is travelling over snow on skis. Skiing Parasailing Scuba diving Snowboarding Spa Snorkeling Camping Surfing Sunbathing Sailing

14 Writing! Write a brochure description about a tourist destination! Present the brochure in front of the class! Work in Pairs! Discuss with your friend about one topic and present the result in front of the class! Try to describe about:  Tourist attractions  Travel activities  Event  Facilities  Other information The topics are: 1. How to develop the tourist destination in order to make the tourist arrival rate increase? 2. What are the positive and negative impacts of tourism? 3. What should be done so that tourism development does not have a negative impact on the environment?

15 G. SPECIAL EVENT Morotai Festival to Present Watersports, Culinary Activities Hoping to attract travelers from across Indonesia and overseas, North Maluku announced Saturday in its capital Ternate that it will host Morotai Festival. The festival will take place in Daruba, the capital of Morotai Island, from Aug. 2 to 8, reported. North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba said on Saturday that the decision to make the announcement in the province’s capital could help increase exposure for the event, especially among residents of other regencies and cities in North Maluku. Meanwhile, Tourism Ministry expert staff member Hari Suhendro said the government previously named Morotai Island one of the “10 New Bali” destinations, and he expected the island to bring in 500,000 foreign tourists annually. However, Hari said the island still needed support in order to improve its accessibility, such as the provision of a minimum of two incoming flights a day. As for now, there is only one flight heading to Morotai Island every day. Hari went on to say that the development of the island as a special economic zone for the fisheries industry was projected to help improve tourism on Morotai Island, the official mascot of which is the gomo (Gorango Morotai) whale. A number of activities will be conducted during the festival, including a Morotai idol talent search, fun dive, fishing event, traditional cuisine contest, soccer tournament and cultural performances by choreographer and dancer Eko Supriyanto and artists from Jakarta. Source:

16 Read the text and answer the questions! 1. What is Morotai Festival? 2. What are the purposes of the government holding Morotai festival? 3. What is the meaning of “new Bali”? 4. What kinds of tourist activities are held during the festival? 5. Do you think that a special event can improve tourist arrival rate? Why? Writing! Choose one special event in your area which is celebrated every year. Describe the information about the festival in 25 sentences! Try to describe about:  Name of the special event  Where and when does it take place  What are the festivals about (religion/historical event/agricultural season)  What are the purposes of holding the event  Describe what activities are held during the event  Other information

17 UNIT 2 ACCOMODATION A. HOTEL TYPES AND FACILITIES Try to find the meaning of the hotel type and the example! Hotel Type Definition Example Resort City Hotel Suburban Hotel Airport Hotel Business Hotel Homestay Casino Hotel Suite Hotel Hotel Facility 1. Indoor pool 2. Outdoor pool 3. Fitness center 4. Sunbathing area 5. Sauna 6. Spa 7. Massage 8. Health center 9. Valet parking

18 10. Tennis court 11. Golf course 12. Garden 13. Children’s playground 14. Beach 15. Water sports 16. Restaurant 17. Night club 18. Cocktail bar 19. Bar 20. Lounge 21. Coffee shop 22. Business center 23. Meeting room 24. Ballroom 25. Conference facilities B. ROOM TYPES AND FACILITIES Try to find the definition of room types below! Room Types Definition Standard Room Superior Room/ Premium Room Deluxe Room Junior Suite Room/

19 Studio Suite Room Presidential Suite/ Penthouse Room Single Room Twin Room Room Facilities a. Bathtub b. Shower c. Hair-dryer d. Telephone e. Desk and chairs f. Mini-bar g. Satellite TV with English-language channels h. Fax phone i. Balcony or terrace j. Sunbeds on balcony or terrace k. 24-hour room service l. Air conditioning

20 Task! Visit 2 different hotels. Look for information on the hotel types and facilities. Make a check list (v)! Hotel’s Name Type of Hotel Hotel Facilities Indoor pool Outdoor pool Fitness/Health center Children’s playground Beach Sauna/Spa/Massage Bar Lounge Coffee shop Business center Meeting room Ballroom Conference facilities Restaurant Golf course Room types Standard room Superior/ Premium room

21 Deluxe room Junior suite room/ studio Suite room Presidential/penthouse room Room Facilities Bathtub Shower Hair-dryer Mini-bar Satellite TV with Englishlanguage channels Air conditioning Balcony or terrace GIVING OPINION I think the perfect hotel location is on the seaside. For me, the best hotel has a swimming pool and sun bathing area. If you asked me, the perfect hotel for honey moon is….

22 Work in pairs! Visit 2 different hotels. Look for information on the hotel types and facilities. Discuss the following questions: Speaking! Work in pairs. Discuss with your friend about: 1. Which of the hotel would you prefer to stay at? Why? 2. Compare the size, price, location, facilities of the hotel! 3. If you wanted to recommend a hotel to your clients, which hotel would be best for them? Why? 1. What are the most important facilities for you when staying in a hotel? 2. What are the best hotels in your city? What makes them special? Describe location, types and facilities of the hotel, and types and facilities of the room! GIVING RECOMMENDATION If you stay at… you’ll be able to…. The best things about the hotel are… I think you’ll find that…. Is better for you because… Another nice thing about the hotel is….

23 Role play! Work in pairs. Try to recommend and describe which hotel is the best for your client! 1. Mr. and Mrs. Travolta (both aged 60) haven’t travelled abroad before. 2. The Smiths (father, 40, mother, 35, daughter, 12, son 10) want to have an adventurous holiday 3. Mr. and Mrs. Grey (both aged 30) want to have a great honeymoon. 4. Miss Jane (25) and Miss Nova (24) want to have a great vacation. 5. Mr. Right (aged 40) has a business meeting. Writing! Design a hotel brochure! Present the information of the brochure in the front of the class! C. HOTEL FOR MICE ACTIVITIES Certainly, different types of hotel are suitable for different types of MICE activities. In general hotels can be grouped into five Describe about:  Location,  Hotel facilities  Room facilities  The price!

24 types, based on the hotel facilities: Hotel Types Location Distinctive Feature Large City Business Hotels  Central location  Commercial business district nearby  Good access with public transport  parking  high standard of business service  large ballroom  spacious lobby  room service  leisure/fitness center Suburban Hotels  Near major junctions  Access to highway routes and downtown  Meeting room for 25100 max  Work stations in guest rooms  Easy access and parking  Leisure/fitness center Large Resort Hotels and Integrated Resorts  Nearby attractions  Spacious  Large ballrooms  Extensive meeting and function rooms  Golf course Airport Hotels  Linked to or near an airport terminal  Easy access to  May have purposebuilt theatre  Usually provides a range of medium-

25 city and regional transport and highways  Signposted sized and small function rooms  Leisure/fitness center  Extensive glazing and soundproofing Boutique Resorts  Remote locations  Spacious grounds  Small meeting rooms and suites  High-quality service  Leisure/fitness center  Golf course Task! Try to give the examples of the hotels in your area that are suitable for different types of MICE activities! Hotel’s Name Hotel Type Location Distinctive Feature Large city business hotels Suburban hotels Large resort hotels and integrated resorts Airport hotels Boutique resorts D. HOTEL RESERVATION Hotel reservation is an activity made by guests to book hotel’s

26 rooms or other facilities before they arrive at the hotel. Reservation can be made by company/corporate, travel agency, government, airline companies, individual reservation, central reservation system and airport representatives (Bagyono, 2016). Hotel reservation is handling by a reservation staff from front office department. Reservation staffs have to have a good attitude and give a good impression to the guest. Besides, they have to have a good skill in basic reservation activities. Excellent services given by reservation staff to the guests will give a big impact for the hotel’s image. The main jobs of reservation staffs are (Sutanto, 2010):  to get guest’s information  to determine room availability  to accept or deny reservation  to confirm reservation details  to maintain reservation record  to compile reservation report  to modify reservation because of change or cancel. There are three types of reservation; they are (Leo, 2009): 1. Guaranteed Reservation The hotel guarantees the guest that the room will be held until the guest’s arrival or check out time the next day. Types of guaranteed reservation are:  Prepayment  Advance deposit  Corporate (Guarantee Letter)

27  Credit card  Travel agents voucher 2. Non-Guaranteed Reservation The hotel agrees to hold a room for the guest until predetermined time. If the guest does not arrive by the time (6 p.m.), the hotel may sell the room to a walk in guest. 3. Confirmed reservation Hotel will send confirmation letter to the guest via email to confirm the reservation. The confirmation letter states the intent of both parties and recites the material points of agreement, i.e., dates, rates, types of room, number of guests. Confirmed reservations may be either guaranteed or non-guaranteed. Reservation staffs have to follow standard operational procedures of handling hotel reservation; they are (Bagyono, 2016): 1. Getting guest’s information:  Name and spelling  number of person  types of room  length of stay  telephone number and contact address  special request  guarantee or method of payment

28 2. Determining room availability. 3. Filling the reservation form. 4. Input the data to the reservation system. Picture 2.1 Reservation Form The following examples are common expressions used for handling hotel reservation: 1. Greeting the guest politely and offering help - Good morning. Sunrise Hotel. What can I do for you? - Sunrise Hotel. Good morning. May I help you? - Sunrise Hotel. Good afternoon. This is Rena speaking. How can I help you? - Good afternoon. Sunrise Hotel. Can I help you?

29 2. Asking guest’s name - Could I have your name, please? - May I have your full name, Sir/Madam? - Could I know your full name, please? 3. Asking the spelling - Could you spell your name, please? - How do you spell your name, Sir/Madam? - How could I write your name, Sir/Madam? - How do you write your name, Sir/Madam? 4. Asking the number of person - How many people with you, Sir/Madam? - How many people is the reservation for, Sir/Madam? - Can I have the names that join with you, Sir/Madam? - Are you staying with your family, Sir/Madam? - Who will be staying, Sir/Madam? - Is this an individual or company booking, Sir/Madam? - Are you making a reservation for yourself, Sir/Madam? 5. Asking length of stay - How long would you be staying, Sir/Madam? - When would you like to reserve it for, Sir/Madam? - May I know the date of your arrival, Sir/Madam? - How many nights would you be staying, Sir/Madam? - Could you tell me how many days you want to stay, Sir/Madam? 6. Asking estimate time arrival - What time will you be arriving, Sir/Madam?

30 - What time will you arrive, Sir/Madam? 7. Asking the room types and facilities - What types of room do you prefer, Sir/Madam? - What types of room do you like, Sir/Madam? - Which types of room do you prefer, Sir/Madam? Twin, double, or suite room? - Which rooms would you like to take, Sir/Madam? - Would you like to have a view of the ocean room? 8. Giving information about the price - The room is ..... dollars per night, Sir/Madam. - The double room is .... dollars per night, Sir/Madam. 9. Asking telephone number and contact address - Could you give me your telephone number and contact address, Sir/Madam? - May I have your contact address, please? - Can I have your phone number, Sir/Madam? - Where can I contact you, Sir/Madam? - Is there a phone number where you can be contacted, Sir/Madam? 10. Asking special request - Do you have any special requests, Sir/Madam? - Do you prefer smoking room, Sir? - Is there any special request, Sir/Madam? 11. Repeating the reservation - I am sorry to keep you waiting. Can I repeat your reservation, Sir/Madam?

31 - Could I repeat the reservation, Sir/Madam? - May I repeat your reservation, Sir/Madam? 12. Asking method of payment - How would you settle the payment, Sir/Madam? - How do you intend to pay, Sir/Madam? - What method of payment do you want to use, Sir/Madam? - Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card, Sir/Madam? - Could you give me your credit card information to reserve the room, please? 13. Giving information about check-in time - The reservation has been confirmed. Check-in is at 2 o’clock, Sir. - Your reservation has been made. Check-in is at 2 o’clock, Sir. 14. Last greeting - Thank you for the reservation, Sir/Madam. Please do not hesitate to call us. Have a nice day - Thank you for choosing our hotel as your place to stay. Have a nice stay with us. Role play! Work in pair and try to find other expressions for handling hotel reservation! The following dialogue is an example of handling hotel reservation:

32 A : Queen Hotel. Good morning. What can I do for you? B : Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for 7th of April. Do you have any vacancies? A : Certainly, Sir. Can I have your full name, please? B : It is Kevin. A : Could you spell your name, Sir? B : K-E-V-I-N A : Thank you, Mr. Kevin. Is this an individual or company booking, Mr. Kevin? B : Individual reservation. I make this reservation for myself. A : Well, how many people with you, Mr. Kevin? B : That will be two people; My wife, and I. A : Well, may I have your wife’s name, Mr. Kevin? B : Rania. It Is R for Romeo, A for Alpha, N for November, I for India, and A for Alpha. A : Alright, when would you like to reserve it for, Mr. Kevin? B : For 7th of April and it would be for 4 days and 3 nights. A : Please wait a second, Mr. Kevin. We will check the availability. B : Yes, of course. A : Mr. Kevin, we have 3 Suit rooms available with mountain and lake view. The room with a view of mountain is Rp 1.500.000; per night and the room with lake view is Rp 1.800.000; per night. Which would you

33 like to book, Mr. Kevin? B : Wow, that’s nice. I would like 1 suit room with lake view. A : Alright, Sir. What time will you be arriving, Mr. Kevin? B : It is about 3 p.m. A : Well, do you have any special requests, Mr. Kevin? B : Yes, I would like a bucket of red roses and a bottle of red wine in my room. A : Yes, Sir. Could you give me your contact address, Mr. Kevin? B : It’s Madura Street No.31 Semarang A : And your telephone number, Sir? B : 081234567890. A : Well, Mr. Kevin. I will repeat your reservation. You are making a reservation for you and your wife for 7th to 10th of April, 2021; One suit room with lake view; and the special requests are a bunch of red roses and a bottle of red wine. Is that all Mr. Kevin? B : Yes, that is all. A : Very well. How would you settle the payment, Sir? B : I would like to pay by credit card. A : Alright, Sir. Could I have the credit card number, Sir? B : It is 12345678xxx A : Well, Mr. Kevin. The reservation has been made. Check-in is at 2 p.m. Please do not hesitate to call us. B : Thank you.

34 A : With my pleasure, Mr. Kevin. Thank you for choosing our hotel as your place to stay. Have a good day. Role Play! Play the role of reservation staff and hotel guest with your friend! Try to practice: Complete the following dialogue! A : King Hotel. Good morning. What can I do for you? B : A : Certainly, Sir. Can I have your full name, please? B : A : Could you spell your name, Sir? B : A : Thank you, Mr. Is this an individual or company booking, Sir? B : A : Well, how many people with you, Sir? B : A : Well, may I have the name, Sir? B : A : Alright, when would you like to reserve it for, Sir?  How to handle a hotel reservation  How to fill out the reservation form!

35 B : A : Please wait a second, Sir. I will check the availability. B : A : We have 2 presidential rooms available with mountain and lake view. The room with a view of mountain is Rp 2.500.000; per night and the room with lake view is Rp 2.800.000; per night. Which would you like to book, Sir? B : A : Alright, Sir. What time will you be arriving, Sir? B : A : Well, do you have any special requests, Sir? B : A : Yes, Sir. Could you give me your contact address, Sir? B : A : And your telephone number, Sir? B : A : Well, Sir. I will repeat your reservation. …. Is that all, Sir? B : A : Very well. How would you settle the payment, Sir? B : A : Well, the reservation has been made. Check-in is at 2 o’clock. Please do not hesitate to call us, Sir. Thank you.

36 CANCELLATION OF HOTEL RESERVATION Some hotels have cancellation policy depending on several factors, such as the rate of the booking and the date of check-in. This is an example of hotel cancellation policy (source: 1. Standard rate The cancellation is free of charge 7 days prior to the date of arrival. After this time, the hotel will charge the guest 90% the room rate as cancellation fee. 2. Non-refundable rate For the non-refundable bookings are no cancellations or change possible. In case of cancellation, 90% of the total amount will be charged as a cancellation fee. 3. Special cancellation policy during the FAIRS There is a free of charge up to 8 weeks prior the date of arrival. After this time, the hotel will charge 90% the room rate. The procedures of handling cancellation of reservation are (Leo, 2011): 1. Filling the room reservation cancellation form 2. Canceling the data of reservation in the reservation system

37 Picture 2.2 Room Reservation Cancellation Form The following dialogue is an example of handling cancellation of reservation: A : King Hotel. Good morning. How may I help you? B : Good morning. I have got a reservation for 15th to 17th of August but I would like to make a cancellation, please. A : Well, Sir. Can I have your name, please? B : Christ John. That is C-H-R-I-S-T J-O-H-N A : Alright. Mr. John. Do you mind waiting for a few minutes, Sir? I will check the reservation. B : Yes, sure. A : Alright. Mr. John, according to hotel policy, we will charge you 50% the room rate as the cancellation fee. B : OK.

38 A : Well, Mr. John. Your cancellation has been made. Please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Have a nice day. Role Play! Play the role of reservation staff and hotel guest with your friend! Try to practice: DENYING HOTEL RESERVATION Reservation staffs will deny a hotel reservation from the guest when the accommodation requested is not available, the hotel is fully booked, or if the guest is blacklisted. In this case, reservation staffs follow standard operational procedures in denying hotel reservation. The procedures are (Bagyono, 2016): 1. Giving another room type. 2. Putting the guest on the waiting list 3. Suggesting another hotel in the same chain. The following examples are common expressions used for denying hotel reservation:  How to handle a hotel reservation cancellation  How to fill out the reservation cancellation form!

39 1. Giving another room type - I am sorry, Sir/Madam. Your requested room is fully booked. How about another room type, Sir? We have two double room with ocean view, Sir? - I am sorry, Sir/Madam. We have no presidential suit room available, but we have a suit room with ocean view, Sir. - I am sorry, Sir/Madam. The room type is not available on that date, but we still have a double room with lake view, Sir. 2. Putting the guest on the waiting list - I am sorry, Sir/Madam. We are fully booked at the moment. I can put you on the waiting list and will ring you if there is a cancellation. - I am sorry, Sir/Madam. We have no room available on that date. Is it OK if I put you on the waiting list? We will ring you if there is a cancellation. 3. Suggesting other hotel in the same chain. - I am sorry Sir/Madam. We are fully booked on the moment. Can I suggest you try our other hotel? - I am sorry Sir/Madam. We have no room for today. Can I suggest you to try our other hotel in the city center? The following dialogues are the examples of denying hotel reservation:

40 Dialogue A - Giving another room type A : Tentrem Hotel. Good morning. Could I help you? B : Good morning. I would like to book a presidential room for 11st to 13rd of July. Do you have any vacancies? A : Alright, Sir. Could you wait for a while? I will check the availability. B : Yes, sure. A : I am sorry, Sir/Madam. We have no presidential suit room available, but we have a suit room with ocean view, Sir. B : I am sorry, but I need a presidential suit room. Thankyou for your help. I will call another hotel. A : You are welcome, Sir. Dialogue B - Putting the guest on the waiting list A : Sheraton Hotel. Good morning. How may I help you? B : Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for 21st to 23rd of November. Do you have any vacancies? A : Alright, Sir. Could you wait for a while? I will check the availability. B : Yes, sure. A : I am sorry, Sir. We are fully booked at the moment, but we can put you on the waiting list and we will ring you if there is a cancellation. B : Can you help me to get another hotel?

41 A : Yes of course, Sir. Can I suggest you to try our other hotel in the city center? B : That sounds great. Can I have the telephone number? A : Certainly, Sir. It is (0272) 1234xxx B : I will give them a call. Thank you for your help. A : You are welcome, Sir. Have a nice day. Dialogue C - Suggesting other hotel in the same chain. A : Good morning. Four Seasons Hotel. What can I do for you? B : Good morning. I would like to make a room reservation for 1st to 3rd of July. Do you have any vacancies? A : Could you wait for a minute, Sir? I will check the availability. B : Yes, sure. A : I am sorry, Sir. We are fully booked at the moment, but we can put you on the waiting list and we will ring you if there is a cancellation. B : Hmm. Can you help me to get another hotel? A : Yes of course, Sir. Could I suggest you to try our other hotel in the city center? B : I am sorry but I want a hotel near the Kuta beach. A : You can try Blue Star Hotel, Sir. May be Blue Star Hotel still have any vacancies.

42 B : Thank you for your help. I will give them a call. A : You are welcome, Sir. Have a nice day. Role Play! Play the role of reservation staff and hotel guest with your friend! Practice how to deny a reservation and: HOTEL VOCABULARIES 1. Pronounce the following words correctly! 2. Try to find the meaning of these words and phrases WITH English-English dictionary! 3. Make a sentence of each word! Words Meaning Sentence Connecting room Presidential room Suite room Double room Twin room Single room Standard room Deluxe room  Give another room type.  Put the guest on the waiting list  Suggest another hotel in the same chain.

43 Special request Front office Guaranteed arrival Take or place (T or P) VIPs and CIPs Check-in Check-out Estimate Time Arrival (ETA) Walk-in-guest No-show Room rate Charge Guarantee Advance Deposit Publish rate Full booked Voucher 6 P.M. release Confirmation letter American Plan Company rates


45 UNIT 3 FOOD AND BEVERAGE A. RESERVATION There are some steps of handling restaurant reservation, they are: 1. Getting guest’s information  Name and spelling  number of people  telephone number  special request 2. Filling the reservation slip. Rose Restaurant Reservation Slip Name : Number of people : Day/Date : Telephone Number : Special Requests : Picture 3.1 Reservation Slip

46 The following examples are common expressions used for handling restaurant reservation: 1. Greeting the guest politely and offering help - Good Afternoon. Rose Restaurant. What can I do for you? - Rose Restaurant. Good afternoon. May I help you? - Rose Restaurant. Good afternoon. This is Tina speaking. How can I help you? - Good afternoon. Rose Restaurant. Can I help you? - Good afternoon. Rose Restaurant. Sophia speaking. How may I help you? 2. Asking guest’s name - Could I have your name, please? - May I have your full name, Sir/Madam? - Could I know your full name, please? 3. Asking the spelling - Could you spell your name, please? - How do you spell your name, Sir/Madam? - How could I write your name, Sir/Madam? - How do you write your name, Sir/Madam? 4. Asking the number of person - How many people with you, Sir/Madam? - How many people is the reservation for, Sir/Madam? - For how many people be in your party, Sir/Madam? - For how many people would that be, Sir/Madam?

47 5. Asking the date - For what day would the reservation, Sir/Madam? - For what time will that be, Sir/Madam? 6. Asking the time - What time will you be arriving, Sir/Madam? - What time will you arrive, Sir/Madam? - When will you be arriving, Sir/Madam? 7. Asking telephone number - Could you give me your telephone number, Sir/Madam? - May I have your phone number, please? - Can I have your phone number, Sir/Madam? - Is there a phone number where you can be contacted, Sir/Madam? 8. Asking special request - Do you have any special requests, Sir/Madam? - Do you prefer a table near the swimming pool, Sir? - Is there any special request, Sir/Madam? 9. Repeating the reservation - I would like to repeat your reservation, Sir/Madam. - Could I repeat the reservation, Sir/Madam? - May I repeat your reservation, Sir/Madam? 10. Last greeting - Thank you for the reservation, Sir/Madam. Have a nice day - Thank you for choosing our restaurant as your place to celebrate your birthday. Have a good day.

48 Task! Work in pair and try to use other expressions for handling restaurant reservation! The following are the examples of handling restaurant reservation: Dialogue A A : Rose Restaurant. Good morning. What can I do for you? B : Good morning. I would like to make a reservation. A : Yes, Sir. Can I have your full name, please? B : It is Erick Lau. A : Could you spell your name, Sir? B : E-R-I-C-K L-A-U A : Thank you, Mr. Lau. Well, how many people with you, Mr. Lau? B : That will be four people. A : Alright, when would you like to reserve it for, Mr. Lau? B : For 8th of June. A : So, when will you be arriving, Sir/Madam? B : It is about 9 p.m. A : Alright, Sir. Could you give me your telephone number, Mr. Lau? B : 081234567890. A : Well, do you have any special requests, Mr. Lau?

49 B : Yes, I would like a bucket of red roses on my table, and can I have a table near the garden, please? A : Yes, Of course, Sir. Is there anything you need, Mr. Lau. B : No, thanks A : Well, Mr. Lau. I will repeat your reservation. You are making a reservation for four people, for 8th of June, and your special requests are a bunch of red roses and a table near the garden. Is that all Mr. Lau? B : Yes, that is all. A : Alright, Mr. Lau. Thank you for the reservation. Have a good day. Dialogue B A : Good morning. Fresh Restaurant. How may I help you? B : Good morning. I would like make a reservation. Do you have a table tonight? A : Yes, certainly, Sir. Could I know your full name, please? B : My name is Harry Porter. A : Would you like to spell it, Sir? B : H-A-R-R-Y P-O-R-T-E-R A : Thank you, Mr. Porter. For how many people would the reservation, Mr. Porter? B : That will be two people. A : Alright, when will you be arriving, Sir/Madam?

50 B : It is about 8 p.m. A : Alright, Sir. May I have your telephone number, Mr. Porter? B : 08123xxx. A : Well, do you have any special requests, Mr. Lau? B : Yes, I would like a table near the garden, please. A : I am so sorry, Sir. The tables near the garden were fully booked. Do you like a table near the swimming pool, Sir? B : Alright. That is a good idea. A : Well, Mr. Lau. You are make a reservation for tonight at 8 p.m., and your special request is a table near the swimming pool. Is that all Mr. Porter? B : Yes, that is all. A : Alright, Mr. Porter. Thank you for choosing our restaurant as your place to have dinner. Have a good day. Complete the following dialogue! A : Havana Restaurant. Good morning. What can I do for you? B : A : Yes, Sir. Can I have your full name, please? B : A : Could you spell your name, Sir?

51 B : A : Thank you, Sir. Well, how many people with you, Sir? B : A : Alright, when would you like to reserve it for, Sir? B : A : So, when will you be arriving, Sir? B : A : Alright, Sir. Could you give me your telephone number, Sir? B : A : Well, do you have any special requests, Sir? B : A : Yes, Of course, Sir. Is there anything you need, Sir. B : No, thanks A : Well, Sir. I will repeat your reservation. Is that all, Sir? B : A : Alright, Sir. Thank you for the reservation. Have a good day.

52 Role Play! Play the role of reservation staff and the guest with your friend! Try to practice: B. Menu Paradise Hotel Hotel & Restaurant Appetizer Chicken Salad Hawaiian Egg Mayonnaise Russian Salad Chicken Quesadilla Mozzarella Sticks Soup Mushroom Cream Soup Chicken Cream Soup Portuguese Cream Soup Main Couse Grilled Sirloin Steak with Herbal Butter Bacon Wrap Beef Tenderloin Red Wine T-bones Steak Grilled Fish Fillet  How to handle restaurant reservation!  How to fill out the reservation slip!

53 Desserts Sliced Fresh Fruit Fruit Cocktail Vanilla Ice Cream Banana Split Picture 3.2 Menu Writing and Speaking C. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE The following is the service sequence of the restaurant: 1. Welcoming and greeting the guest 2. Asking the reservation 3. Asking name and spelling 4. Checking the reservation 5. Escorting the guest to the table 6. Seating the guest 7. Pouring water 8. Offering the aperitif 9. Presenting the menu 1. Design a menu! Describe the menu and the price! 2. Present and describe the information of the brochure in the front of the class!

54 10. Giving the guest time to look over the menu 11. Informing the guest about the special menu of the day or food being promoted 12. Asking if the guest is ready to order 13. Taking the order for the food 14. Repeating the order 15. Asking the guest to wait for a moment 16. Serving the appetizer 17. Clearing up the appetizer 18. Serving the soup 19. Clearing up the soup 20. Serving the main course 21. Scrambling down 22. Serving the dessert 23. Clearing up the dessert 24. Asking about the taste 25. Offer tea or coffee 26. Presenting the bill on the bill tray 27. Asking the method of payment 28. Last greeting Rose Restaurant Order Slip Table Number : Appetizers : Soups :

55 Main Courses : Desserts : Drinks : Others : Waiters/Waitress : Picture 3.3 Slip Order The following examples are common expressions used for handling restaurant services. 1. Greeting and offering help - Good night. Welcome to Tulip Restaurant. What can I do for you, Sir/Madam? - Welcome to Tulip Restaurant. Good night. May I help you, Sir/Madam? - Welcome to Tulip Restaurant. Good night. How can I help you, Sir/Madam? - Good night. Tulip Restaurant. How may I help you, Sir/Madam? 2. Asking the reservation - Do you have a reservation, Sir/Madam? - Have you made a reservation, Sir/Madam? 3. Asking name - Could I have your name, please? - Can I have your name, Sir/Madam? - May I have your full name, Sir/Madam? - Could I know your full name, please?

56 - What name is the reservation under, Sir/Madam? 4. Asking the spelling - Could you spell your name, please? - How do you spell your name, Sir/Madam? - How could I write your name, Sir/Madam? - How do you write your name, Sir/Madam? 5. Checking the reservation - Let me have a check your reservation for a while, Sir/Madam. - Would you like to wait for a moment, Sir/Madam? I will have a small check with your reservation. - Could you wait for a minute while I check the reservation, Sir/Madam? - Do you mind waiting for a while, Sir/Madam? I will look at the reservation. 6. Escorting the guest to the table - Could I escort you to your table, Sir/Madam? - Would you like to come this way, please? - Would you like to follow me, Sir/Madam? - I would like to show you your table, Sir/Madam. - Here is your table, Sir/Madam. 7. Pouring water - Excuse me, Sir/Madam. Could I pour some water? - Excuse me, Sir/Madam. Let me pour some water for you.

57 - Excuse me, Sir/Madam. Would you like some ice water? 8. Offering the Aperitif - Would you like to drink before meal? - Would you like some aperitifs before your meal, Sir/Madam? - What drink would you like to have, Sir/Madam? - Which wine would you like to order, Sir/Madam? - Would you like to start with an aperitif, Sir/Madam? 9. Presenting the menu - This is the menu, Sir/Madam. - Here is our menu, Sir/Madam. 10. Informing the guest about the specialties of the day or food being promoted - For the special appetizer for today is... - For the special main course for today we have ... - Our special dessert for today is ... - Would you like to try our special cocktail for today, Sir/Madam? - Our specialty for today is ... Would you like to try it, Sir/Madam? - Would you like try our today’s specialty, Sir/Madam? 11. Giving some information about the food - The wine is ... - It is made of ... - It consists of ...