Nina Sulistyowati - English for Tourism

8 D. TOURIST ATTRACTION Complete the paragraph with the following words! Tribe Archaeological World Heritage Site Attractions Capital National Park Empire the Seven Wonders of Banten Mention the country in the following tourist attraction! Try to What to know about the Seven Wonders of Banten Banten is the westernmost province on the island of Java and has Serang as its city. Traveling to Banten, there are plenty of interesting sites to explore as it is home to natural, cultural and historical . The province itself has established seven main tourist attractions, dubbed , namely Banteng Lama, Ujung Kulon National Park, Sangiang Island, the Baduy tribe, Umang Island, Mount Krakatau and the Dano Swamp. Banten Lama (old Banten) is an site located on the northern coast of Serang regency. This place is what remains of the Banten sultanate, an Islamic of the 16th century. There are plenty of to visit at Banten Lama, such as the Museum Situs Kepurbakalaan Banten Lama (Museum of Old Banten), the Surosowan Kraton, the Great Mosque of Banten, Speelwijk Fort, Avalokiteshvara Vihara, Kaibon Castle, and Karangantu Harbor. Ujung Kulon stretches across the Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, the Handeleum islands and the Honje Mountain Range and is known as the home of the critically endangered Javan rhinoceros. The place was also declared a UNESCO in 1991 for accommodating the largest remaining lowland rainforest in Java. The famed Baduy lives in a 5,101-hectare area of Kanekes village, about 38 kilometers from Rangkasbitung, the capital of Lebak regency. The Baduy people have their own government system with the three highest ranking leaders of the tribe called Puun Cikeusik, Cikertawarna and Cibeo. Source: