Nina Sulistyowati - English for Tourism

13 F. TRAVEL ACTIVITIES Complete each sentence with appropriate word from the box! 1. The sport of riding a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard is called 2. A commercial establishment offering health and beauty treatment through such means as steam baths, exercise equipment, and massage is called 3. is the activity of sitting or lying in the sun, especially to tan the skin. 4. The activity of spending a holiday living in a tent is called 5. is a voyage made by a ferry or cruise ship, especially according to a planned schedule. 6. is the activity of swimming underwater using a scuba. 7. Recreational activity of gliding through the air wearing an open parachute while being towed by a motorboat is called 8. The activity of swimming using a snorkel is called 9. The sport of sliding downhill on snowboard is called 10. is travelling over snow on skis. Skiing Parasailing Scuba diving Snowboarding Spa Snorkeling Camping Surfing Sunbathing Sailing