26 rooms or other facilities before they arrive at the hotel. Reservation can be made by company/corporate, travel agency, government, airline companies, individual reservation, central reservation system and airport representatives (Bagyono, 2016). Hotel reservation is handling by a reservation staff from front office department. Reservation staffs have to have a good attitude and give a good impression to the guest. Besides, they have to have a good skill in basic reservation activities. Excellent services given by reservation staff to the guests will give a big impact for the hotel’s image. The main jobs of reservation staffs are (Sutanto, 2010): to get guest’s information to determine room availability to accept or deny reservation to confirm reservation details to maintain reservation record to compile reservation report to modify reservation because of change or cancel. There are three types of reservation; they are (Leo, 2009): 1. Guaranteed Reservation The hotel guarantees the guest that the room will be held until the guest’s arrival or check out time the next day. Types of guaranteed reservation are: Prepayment Advance deposit Corporate (Guarantee Letter)