Nina Sulistyowati - English for Tourism

27  Credit card  Travel agents voucher 2. Non-Guaranteed Reservation The hotel agrees to hold a room for the guest until predetermined time. If the guest does not arrive by the time (6 p.m.), the hotel may sell the room to a walk in guest. 3. Confirmed reservation Hotel will send confirmation letter to the guest via email to confirm the reservation. The confirmation letter states the intent of both parties and recites the material points of agreement, i.e., dates, rates, types of room, number of guests. Confirmed reservations may be either guaranteed or non-guaranteed. Reservation staffs have to follow standard operational procedures of handling hotel reservation; they are (Bagyono, 2016): 1. Getting guest’s information:  Name and spelling  number of person  types of room  length of stay  telephone number and contact address  special request  guarantee or method of payment