Viving Frendiana - Penyelesaian Sistem Transmisi dengan Pemr

73 Jawab: = 0 2 4 1 100Ω= 502 100 =25Ω 2 200Ω= 502 200 = 2 2 5Ω 1| 2 = 25| 2 2 5 = 2 3 5 = 8,3 Ω = 0 2 = 50 25/ 5 3 0 =300Ω Reflection coefficient Γ = − 0 + 0 = 300−50 300 + 50 = 5 7 Contoh Soal 6.5 Consides the 3m long lossless ac filled transmission line shown m the figure. It has a characteristic impedance of 120 π is terminated by short circuit and excited with a frequency of 37.5 MHz. What is the nature of input impedance (Zin) Diketahui: Z0 = 120 π f = c/λ >> λ = c/f = (3x108)/37.5x106 = 8 m Ditanya: What is the nature of input impedance (Zin)? Jawab: =