Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

124 nature, modelling the guerrilla warfare during the Indonesian revolution. Although power relation and inequality exist in this collaboration, it could not be easily identified as a minority or subordinate group assisting the hegemonic power, as WeissWendt & Üngör initially suggested. NU, the Catholic Party, or the student’s union KAMI, for example, are clearly not a minority – they were not deprived groups in social, political, and economic terms. However, towards the 30 September Movement and afterwards, there had been intense propaganda on the threat of PKI launched by elites of these rightist groups and factions in the military. The feeling of subordination and deprivation were constructed by this act, producing an imaginary idea that these religious and nationalist groups will lose their economic resources, political dominancy, and social power, if the PKI continued to exist. This imaginary reasoning, together with the army’s structural order, succeeded in mobilizing large masses in East Java to move aggressively against the left. Collaboration in this case, was not purely based on the subordinate’s group deficiencies, but also orchestrated by the hegemonic power by utilizing long existed resentment between the left and right. Sumber: Leksana (2021) 2. Terjemahkan bagian artikel berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggris! A. KESIMPULAN Dari hasil analisa pengujian yang sudah dilakukan, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: