Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

68 The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y. Research on the subject has been mostly restricted to limited comparisons of …. The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between X and Y. However, few writers have been able to draw on any systematic research into …. However, much of the research up to now has been descriptive in nature …. However, these results were based upon data from over 30 years ago and it is unclear if …. Although extensive research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which …. X’s analysis does not take account of …. nor does she examine …. Highlighting a knowledge gap in the field of study What is not yet clear is the impact of X on …. No previous study has investigated X . There has been little quantitative analysis of …. The neurobiological basis of this X is poorly understood. Until recently, there has been no reliable evidence that …. In addition, no research has been found that surveyed ….