Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

77 Rao (2013) highlights the need to break the link between economic growth and transport growth ….. By drawing on the concept of X, Smith has been able to show that …. Drawing on an extensive range of sources, the authors set out the different ways in which …. In Chapter 2, Smith provides us with a number of important …. In the subsequent chapter, Smith examines the extent to which …. Some analysts (e.g. Carnoy, 2002) have attempted to draw fine distinctions between …. Other authors (see Harbison, 2003; Kaplan, 2004) question the usefulness of such an approach. Reference to another writer’s ideas or position (author as subject) According to Smith (2003), preventative medicine is far more cost effective, and therefore …. As noted by Smith (2003) X is far more cost effective, and therefore …. Synthesising sources Similarly, Nicoladis (2006) found that X …. In the same vein, Smith (1994) in his book XYZ notes ….