Viving Frendiana - Penyelesaian Sistem Transmisi dengan Pemr

71 = = ( ) = =∞ ( ) = = ∞= Contoh Soal 6.2 A transmission line of 50 Ω characteristic impedance is terminated with a 100 Ω resistance. The minimum impedance measured on the line is equal to Diketahui: Z0 = 50 Ω Zl = 100 Ω Zl > Z0 Ditanya: Impedansi minimum? Jawab: ( ) = = = Ω Contoh Soal 6.3 A short circuit stub is shunt connected to a transmission line as shown in figure. If 0=50Ω, the admittance Y seen at the junction of the stub and transmissionline is Diketahui: