Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

132 abilities and intrinsic career values to enable them to develop internal passion and interest for teaching. 10. Limitations and directions for future research While the study has provided deep insights into the motives of preservice teachers in the colleges of education in Ghana, findings should be interpreted with some limitations in mind. The first limitation has to do with the use of FIT choice model which was developed in a context that significantly differ from the study context. Secondly, findings from this study were generated from preservice teachers from only one college of education out of the 46 colleges of education in Ghana and cannot therefore be generalized to all colleges of education in Ghana. Thus, future studies on motivation to choose teaching as a career can draw upon large sample that would warrant the generalization of the study findings to all colleges in Ghana. Also, future studies can be extended to other samples of preservice teachers in Ghana especially those trained in the universities to teach secondary schools. A comparative study between preservice teachers in the colleges of education who are trained to teach at basic schools and preservice teachers trained at the universities to teach at senior high schools will be worthwhile. Finally, further studies should include department as a factor to determine whether differences exist in the motives of