Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

133 preservice teachers for choosing teaching as a career based on the department they belong to. Sumber: Abonyi, Awhireng, and Luguterah (2021) B. 6. Implications for policies and practices and suggestions for further research In the literature examining school success among ELL communities, this work determined numerous voids. The study also contributed to our knowledge of how schools and parents may best prepare ELLs in EFL contexts. It has important implications for parents, teachers, and school supervisors. Primarily, those in charge of schools ought to concentrate on nurturing parental participation in ELL families. One way to achieve this goal is to present more funds and available services to this group of students and their parents. After contributions are met and parents are involved in their students’ emotional and social context, school teachers and administrators should assess available services they offer to ELL families to control whether schools sufficiently satisfy needs of this group; otherwise, schools should alter their services by providing further ways to help raise parents’ awareness for autonomous involvement in school affairs. Moreover, supervisors and educators should concentrate on educating ELL parents to become significantly involved in children’s growth. This confirm that schools are constructing strong coalitions with ELL families and appreciate each family’s participation.