Lidya Pawestri - Mahir Menerjemahkan Teks Akademik (Edisi Re

21 Tabel 4.1. Contoh kata dan frasa transisi dalam bahasa Inggris Writer’s Purpose Transitional Words and Phrases To add an idea In addition, furthermore, moreover, also To emphasise In fact, indeed, certainly To show time or sequence Meanwhile, first, second, then, later, finally To contrast However, nevertheless, though, in contrast, on the other hand To show result Therefore, thus, consequently, as a result To provide an example For example, for instance To contradict On the contrary To generalize or summarize In general, overall Tugas Bab 4 1. Carilah sebuah artikel jurnal ilmiah yang memiliki abstrak yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. 2. Tentukan struktur kalimat yang dipakai dalam abstrak tersebut berdasarkan subbab-subbab pada bab 4 ini.