Rina Ningtyas - Tren Teknologi Kemasan Pangan

124 Gambar 14. Komposisi dan fungsi khusus bahan kemasan minuman: (1) lapisan plastik luar, melindungi dari kelembapan luar dan memungkinkan penyegelan; (2) kertas karton, memberi stabilitas dan kekuatan serta memungkinkan pencetakan; (3) lapisan laminasi, memungkinkan adhesi antara aluminium foil dan kertas karton; (4) aluminium foil, berfungsi sebagai oksigen, perasa dan penghalang cahaya; (5) lapisan adhesi antara aluminium foil dan lapisan plastik internal; (6) lapisan plastik internal, menyegel produk cair dan memungkinkan penutupan kedap udara. sumber : (Bolzon et al., 2015)where the human force limit sets a requirement on the material properties to allow open-ability and the mechanical characteristics are of particular interest. Experimental investigations have been carried out on this composite and on its components by either traditional or full-field measurement techniques. The interpretation of the collected data has been supported by the simulation of the performed tests considering either a homogenized material model or the individual laminate layers. However, different results may be recovered from similar samples due to physical factors like the material processing route and the embedded defectiveness. In turn, the conclusions may vary depending on the model assumptions. This contribution focuses on the physical effects and on the modeling of the large localized deformation induced by material singularities. This topic is discussed at the light of some experimental results.”,”container-title”:”Bevera ges”,”DOI”:”10.3390/beverages1030183”,”ISSN”:”2306-5710”,”is sue”:”3”,”journalAbbreviation”:”Beverages”,”language”:”en”,”pa ge”:”183-193”,”source”:”DOI.org (Crossref