Penulis: Nina Sulistyowati
Editor: Nunung Martina, Rimsky K. Judisseno
Desain Sampul: Dimas Surya
Tata Letak: Dimas Surya
PNJ Press, 2021
ISBN: 978-623-7342-86-1
Format: Cetak (POD) 80 Halaman
Baca Disini

Tourism is one of the largest foreign exchange earners in Indonesia. Therefore, competent human resources in the tourism sector need to be prepared to advance Indonesian tourism. One of the competencies needed in an effort to improve the quality of tourism human resources is foreign language skills, especially English. English for Tourism is a course book designed for the student of tourism study program and individuals who want to study or work in tourism sectors. This book is designed to improve both written and spoken English skills in the tourism sectors.

Keywords: Tourism, English for Tourism,